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Create VPN Redundancy using Cisco ASA and Peplink


Q: We have two ISP, Comcast and ICN. With Cisco ASA as firewall and Peplink as DNS management, we have redundancy for website and Email. However, we can't figure our how to create VPN redundancy.


A: Assuming you have configure Comcast and ICN public IP addresses in the ASA firewall and you can manage your DNS using Peplink, it is easy to create VPN redundancy.


1. Add the both VPN public IP address by following this article: How to add Public IP addresses to Peplink.


2. Configure NAT mapping so that when the primary VPN IP address is not available, the Peplink will switch it to the secondary IP address. Please refer to this article for the details:

How to configure NAT Mapping in Peplink


3. In the Peplink, create a DNS record for the VPN, for examplevpn.chicagotech.net. Refer this link: How to create a DNS Record using Peplink


4. In the Cisco VPN client create a new profile point to the DNS record you just created.


5. Now, you can test it.

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